Taxpoint Accounting

Taxpoint Take

Welcome to ‘Taxpoint Take’, our regular take on the world of tax and accountancy. Designed to give you insight into everything, from changes in government regulations and legislation to changes in personal tax liabilities to the latest accountancy software releases and cloud-based digital platform reviews. Plus, we’ll also be looking at various industry sectors and offering advice on growing your business and succeeding in life.

Tax Planning for Individuals 2024

Superannuation: Tools and Tips

Individual Tax Rates (Residents, Foreign Residents and Working Holidays Visa Holders)

Changes to company tax rates

Finding a tax agent

Small business technology investment boost

Rate hikes, tumbling inflation, high chance of recession – what does 2023 -24 look like?

Overview of key changes & measures for 2023 Tax Returns

In general, you can’t claim in Home Office your occupancy expenses, but there are exemptions. Read on.

Capital gains withholding clearance certificate application instructions – for Australian residents.

News & Updates From Taxpoint Accounting

Liability is limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation